What's INSIDE Matters the Most

What's INSIDE Matters the Most
Roses are best with Thorns

09 July 2015

In our Present Lifetime

Our paths had to meet for reasons we may not understand; and then  "Two by Two" -- AS PARTNERS, God sent us TO FULFIL A MISSION and @ that, we need some alignments & compromise!

Gone should be the days when we "do things on our own, for our own"! 
Gone should be the days when all that we consider is our own feelings and disregard what & how others would feel because we assert the "SELF" that we are. Normal as it usually is, along the journey, we're bringing with us our BACK PACKS: fully loaded with reasons why we think, act & talk the way we do -- some are our strengths; and some are our weaknesses which both make us Beautiful, endowed with the image and likeness of God.   

Relationships matter! It could never be true that "lone nomads" never yearned to have somebody by their side! We may not be aware, but let's be more ALERT of such "pretences" -- for more often than not, we may just be too proud to make amends but the truth of the matter is that: we're actually in unspeakable need of acceptance and concern and approval and praises and commendations and the likes -- all of which would actually give us that sense of belongingness and worth as a person. Well, this is normal & there's nothing to be ashamed of -- BUT, we may tend to become egocentric if we would yearn to receive these favours "at the expense of", or "in disregard of" the other's equal needs like ours. 

Family is the most important relationship we should STRIVE TO WORK FOR!
Sometimes, a Husband may not understand why his wife would get mad at him when out of his anger, he already forgot to be considerate in his actuations toward their kids. In the same way, Kids may not be able to fully grasp or may resist the many things their parents want them to understand.  Sometimes too, parents may not perceive the intended meaning of where their kids are coming from with the reactions that they give.  MANY TIMES AMIDST ALL THE MISUNDERSTANDINGS, "a Wife and a Mother at the same time" could only absorb and tolerate and manage that much.  Without everybody being sensible enough, some hearts could STRIVE TO MEND  -- but yearning for an answer: how would we ever BREAKTHROUGH?

"Two by two" HE MADE US "PARTNERS"! -- but why You and why Me? -- Only God knows!
It could never be anybody's fault why it had to be us! 
So TWO-GETHER, we should never be each other's opponent! 

The He made us PARENTS! 
It will never be easy! -- it actually never is!
Individually, we both have our own PASTS. our own USED-TO-BEs. our own good and bad EXPERIENCES which explain "THE WHO THAT WE ARE TODAY!"
We may justify that HABITS & ATTITUDES throughout those years have already been something we can never do without. -- But the thing is, while Jesus is sending us off at PRESENT TIME, He doesn't want us to bring anything -- not anything from our past -- except A PIECE OF STICK: OUR FAITH -- GOD'S ASSURANCE that He would be with us every step of the way.  

God wants our YOKE to be easy as we deal "hearts-on" to the Mission that He wants us to accomplish in OUR PRESENT LIFETIME -- for it's not only us whom He declared "partners" -- but the "two of us" as His partners! 

HOPEFULLY, may we see eye to eye &  feel heart to heart with Him  in all HUMILITY for us to willingly GROW IN-LOVE: THE KEY that would make EACH HOME one of the DOORS OF GOD'S UNFAILING LOVE! 

GOD Sent us "Two by Two"!

Our paths had to meet for reasons we may not understand; and then  "Two by Two" -- AS PARTNERS, God sent us TO FULFIL A MISSION and @ that, we need some alignments & compromise!

Gone should be the days when we "do things on our own, for our own"! Gone should be the days when all that we consider is our own feelings and disregard what & how others would feel because we assert the "SELF" that we are. Normal as it usually is, along the journey, we're bringing with us our BACK PACKS: fully loaded with reasons why we think, act & talk the way we do -- some are our strengths; but some are our weaknesses.  

Relationships matter! It could never be true that "lone nomads" never yearned to have somebody by their side! We may not be aware, but let's be more ALERT of such "pretences" -- for more often than not, we may just be too proud to make amends but the truth of the matter is that: we're actually in unspeakable need of acceptance and concern and approval and praises and commendations and the likes -- all of which would actually give us that sense of belongingness and worth as a person. Well, this is normal & there's nothing to be ashamed of -- BUT, we may tend to become egocentric if we would yearn to receive these favours "at the expense of", or "in disregard of" the other people's equal needs like ours. 

Family is the most important relationship we should STRIVE TO WORK FOR!
Sometimes, a Husband may not understand why his wife would actually get mad at him when out of his anger, he already forgot to be considerate in his actuations toward their kids. In the same way, Kids may not be able to fully grasp or may resist the many things parents want them to understand.  Sometimes too, parents may not perceive the intended meaning of where their kids are coming from with the reactions that they give. WHILE MANY TIMES AMIDST ALL THE MISUNDERSTANDINGS, a Wife and a Mother at the same time could only absorb and tolerate and manage that much.  Without everybody being sensible enough, some hearts could STRIVE TO MEND  -- but yearning for an answer: HOW LONG WOULD IT LAST ... WOULD WE EVER 

"Two by two" makes us PARENTS! 
It will never be easy! -- it actually never is!
Individually, we both have our own PASTS. our own USED-TO-BEs. our own EXPERIENCES 

07 July 2015

Your Symbol is an Alternative


Then here goes YOUR BOX:
Masters of Education, Educational Management, University of Makati, School of Tomorrow, ProfGail Montero, trendingprof47@wordpress.com, gailmontero,
Your SYMBOL could be an ALTERNATIVE!
Out of any BLANK SHEET, you were asked to CREATE SOMETHING -- A SYMBOL that would tell  ABOUT YOU! Then you had to PONDER: "why such a symbol?" -- what does it INDICATE?
And YOU, thriving through the course "Management of Alternative Learning System", you just need to THINK FURTHER ... why did we have to START WITH YOU?
With this captured-lecture to help you out, feel free to THINK, FEEL & VOICE OUT: "what do you have in YOUR BOX OF CHOCOLATES"?
Master of Arts in Education, Alternative Learning Systems, University of Makati, School of Tomorrow,
What is it that you can give?