What's INSIDE Matters the Most

What's INSIDE Matters the Most
Roses are best with Thorns

17 January 2014

In Your Picture Gallery

If you are to capture scenarios, experiences, situations, faces, places and eventually come up with a PICTURE GALLERY which would intend to attract people…
what would you include?
Whatever would appear in your "Picture Gallery" would definitely reflect whether you are a Traditionalist or a Progressivist in  your "POINT OF VIEW" as discussed in this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzWvUKgwO4W2S2NaYjN2ZTdOU3M/edit?usp=sharing, along with the succeeding impressions under the topic Concepts, Nature and Purposes of Curriculum.  

No matter what standpoint, as no particular view has ever been pinpointed better than the other, gearing towards "development" should really be the basepoint of purposeful planning in Educational Settings should we ever crave for positive changes. 

While our involvement in that so called "positive change": is claimable, it should just be wise to look-into and examine closely which Model of Curriculum  should we subscribe to: Ralph Tyler's Model with Four Fundamental Principles or Hilda Taba's Linear Model/Grassroots Approach although if we would closely scrutinize, both versions recognized the Three Interaction Process in Curriculum Development: Planning, Implementing & Evaluating. 

It would likewise help significantly to consider the Types of Curriculum Operating in Schools: Recommended, Written, Taught, Supported, Assessed, Learned & Hidden while back-tracking along the Major Foundations of Curriculum: Philosophical, Historical, Psychological & Social.  Why? Because it would always make the difference if you could find a "clear trace" of the ORIGIN and PATH of the Model that you are venturing on. 

Always remember, you can never share even if you want, if you can never tell what you have. 

So, whose Model do you mostly do you adhere to? What would you have in your Picture Gallery? 


Unknown said...

Compare their Models and which do you prefer and why?

I prefer the model of HIlda Taba for the following reasons:

1. I believed that teacher's should participate in developing the curriculum because they are facing the students everyday. They know particularly the differences of each students when dealing with their lessons.

2. Teachers basically encounters the first hand information what their students needs not only on the lesson,but also to their daily experiences. Through this, they are more accurate in developing the learning contents that is needed to enhance their student's learning capabilities.

3. Lastly, during their conduct of evaluation on the formulation of the curriculum, they (teachers) can easily make a immediate changes or suggestions that may help to improve in organizing the learning activities.

Anonymous said...

I prefer TYLER's MODEL:

1. The school will always start having goals in line. Curriculum development will always based the changes from the current situation of the curriculum, having GOALS then is always a good starting point. Tyler's Model starts in identifying the educational purpose of the school.

2. Hilda Taba's Model can be found in Tyler's Rationale on its second and third considerations, that is identifying the educational experiences and how these educational experience be effectively organized. The teachers can took part in assessing the needs of the students therefore identifying what learning experiences best suited the level and diversities of the students and how will the school administrators, parents as educational partners and of course the teachers as front-liners make these educational experiences be effectively organized during implementation.

3. Having also the evaluation if the purpose is being attained, I would say that Tyler's model is a concrete representation of the three interacting processes of curriculum development: planning, implementation and evaluation.

In Taba's Model, the teachers are given emphasis who could give major input on the seven major steps but the school administrators and other education partners always have their significant part on curriculum development.

Unknown said...

"no particular view has ever been pinpointed better than the other,gearing towards "development" should really be the base point of purposeful planning in Educational Settings should we ever crave for positive changes. " - prof Gail.

With this in mind, I can give my comparison into three compound sentences only.

1. Tyler's model approach is based on the administration's point of view, while Taba's model is on the one who knows more of its learner and who will implement - the teachers.
2. Tyler's model focuses on its fast paced end result thereby ignoring processes, whereas, Taba's model follows step by step or a more detailed processes which particularly concerns the involvement of teachers knowledge about the learners.
3. Tyler's model involves the active participation of the learner in attaining the educational purpose, that in this curriculum, teachers should only implement what has been agreed upon and/or what has been formulated for the learners development. On the other hand, Taba's model concerns its curriculum development on the idea that "thinking can be taught and activities should be built for this, that in this curriculum, teachers who are more familiarized with the learners are given the chance to add a certain activity that would enhance the learners capability of learning.

Should I start being a faculty member, I would definitely choose Tyler's model approach in curriculum development. I believe that adherence to the standard curriculum is a must when you are only starting. However, on the long run, Taba's model will be more effective if we aim not just to teach our learners but care for their future.

Anonymous said...

In my own understanding i prefer the Model of Hilda Taba.
Reason - the holistic approach to student makes her model more practical
in our sociaty.
i believe that learners needs and expectations of the larger sociaty must be considered.
the formulation of learning objective for the childs learning growth and development
we also take into consideration the selection of learning environment that would add to the child interest.

the determination of what to evaluate and the means of doing it makes the model of hilda taba more practical and usefull in making a curriculum. in this way we can say that the development of learning is in holistic approach.

Anonymous said...

I choose Taba’s model because the teacher should know the curriculum as per subject rather than the administration or management of school for the purpose of enhancing the students learning in academic subjects, values and developing their skills. Taba’s model is also helping me as a newcomer teacher someday to provide excellence and interests in the academic subjects. And I want to be a good example and model as a teacher or adviser. My objectives for this curriculum is to enhance your own ideas, knowledge, skills and experiences to give you credibility and be able to share advices to students who are not interested to study. I want to tell the students that education is a key for your success and it is a big factor in our lives. Therefore, education should always come first in our mind.
In addition to that, Taba’s model of curriculum development is an advocacy and a challenge in the new chapter for the 21st century teachers. This will give you a legacy in your mind and your heart so Taba’s model is more effective than Tyler’s model.

Jesus G. Labriaga III said...

I choose Taba’s model because the teacher should know the curriculum as per subject rather than the administration or management of school for the purpose of enhancing the students learning in academic subjects, values and developing their skills. Taba’s model is also helping me as a newcomer teacher someday to provide excellence and interests in the academic subjects. And I want to be a good example and model as a teacher or adviser. My objectives for this curriculum is to enhance your own ideas, knowledge, skills and experiences to give you credibility and be able to share advices to students who are not interested to study. I want to tell the students that education is a key for your success and it is a big factor in our lives. Therefore, education should always come first in our mind.
In addition to that, Taba’s model of curriculum development is an advocacy and a challenge in the new chapter for the 21st century teachers. This will give you a legacy in your mind and your heart so Taba’s model is more effective than Tyler’s model.

Unknown said...

Tyler's Rationale has four fundamental principles in developing a curriculum: school's purposes, educational experiences related to the purpose, organization of the experiences and evaluation of these experiences. It is direct in stating the objectives and is controlled by the administration.

On the other hand, Taba's Model having seven steps in curriculum development, is a more detailed approach. It is a cycle containing diagnosis of learners' needs, formulation of learning objectives, selection of learning content, then organizing it, followed by selection of learning experiences, then organization of learning activities and finally, determination of what to evaluate and the means of doing it. There's no doubt that this model is laborious.

Both models have their strong points aiming for the development of the curriculum. They even have processes interacting with each other - planning, implementing and evaluating. Therefore, whatever model we use will be helpful in developing a curriculum.

But if I have to choose one, I would prefer Taba's model for the main reason that it involves teachers to participate in developing the curriculum. Since teachers have a direct interaction with the students, they are the best source in formulating educational purposes. For example, they can greatly contribute on what policies to implement based on the needs of their students which they personally knew. Also, it is easy to empathize with the people you directly relate with. Meaning, setting rules or objectives should be for the benefit of the students, which is really our ultimate goal, to help enrich their lives through knowledge and sharing.

Unknown said...

Hi, i commend your comment! kindly indicate your name to your post. God bless :)

Unknown said...

Oh I see, this is Jess' post! ... :)

Naychronicles said...

We need to choose from these 2 Models of Curriculum. First is the Ralph Tyler's Model and the other is Hilda Taba's Linear Model.

I would prefer the RALPH TYLER'S MODEL due to the following grounds:

1. It is the administrator's approach, not the teacher's approach.
Although some would say that teacher's approach is far better than the administrator. But I have a question in mind and it is "Are these administrators also teachers?" I would better say it is a YES. These administrators are also teachers. They could not run a school if they are not one. These administrators are on their position because they are specialist in most of subject matter. They have spent most or half of their life teaching and them making the curriculum would be better because of the experiences they have gained.

2. Second, the approach would be better because they are aiming the school's mission and vision. They could see the progress of the curriculum hence they will be one to make the curriculum for all level.

3. There will also be basis for teacher's training program for there will be 1 course description per subject per level.

4. Tyler's model states that the teacher's should implement it.
It is specified the need to implement the curriculum. Success rate is high because the plan is laid down to the teachers.

5. There will be NO consistency of the learning outcomes (Taba's model) if every teacher will make their own curriculum. Taba's model success will be based on the teacher's capability, skills and strategies so their is no assurance if learning outcomes will be met.

6. Taba focus on learner's need whereas Tyler focus on learner and society's needs.
Taba's model is BETTER because it caters to develop more on student's strength. But Tyler is the BEST because it not only caters the learner's need but also the need of the society. Future educators need to link the current curriculum to national assessment, pupil learning outcomes, and teacher training curricula.
This is my basis why I choose Tyler's model. Needs of the society is what we should focus more so that we could create more jobs and for us to produce globally competitive students.

7. Tyler's model is direct & involves deductive reasoning. I like the approach of the Tyler's model.

Whether it is Tyler or Taba's model, the important thing is that the curriculum design should not only focus on the learner but we should also include the 'subject-centered design' and the 'problem-centered design'.

We should also remember that this curriculum depends on the school's administrators/owners preference. As long as we want the student's to learn, despite differences in Curriculum Models, is a proof that we educators have one goal and that is to help the student reach its optimum level.

leahbalani said...

Tyler's model considers the administrative part in making the curriculum while Taba's model is on the teacher's part. Tyler's model is like a generalized one while Taba's model is more specific because of the seven major steps to her model.
And that made me prefer Taba's linear model because of the same belief that teachers should have a part in developing the curriculum. They are the ones who know their students' needs in learning and their own learning styles They have a better knowledge on what to have in that curriculum.
Whatever model we choose we should always consider that a curriculum should be general enough for flexibility and specific enough for the structure of the lessons.

Unknown said...

Curriculum is the foundation of Education. It is highly dynamic and diverse. this is said to be the educational system founded by foundation of Body ofknowledge as well as He domain of knowledge
this written documents is tAken Scholarly and theoratical
Sime then it is widely progressive 2 models of Curriculum has been formulated by great
people.- the Tyler's model and TABA's model.

Tyler's model has 4 principles: It focuses on educational purpose educational° experience educational Organ'zing and evaluation, this concepts develop a student Centered learning experience. Learning takes place within the domain of every Learners, the Wholistic approach has been established.
Another model also been Introduced : The TABA's MODEL
this model identified the ROLE of the educators and teacher. in developing a Curriculum
If We try to analyze the Formulation of curriculum we can identify the components of highly acceptable curriculum should have an assessment planning, ORganizng,implementation and evaluationthe steps enumerated by TABA's MODEL Also identified the direct impact of teacher to the development of Education. which gives me the Weight On its Purpose.
TABA's MODEL justify that Learning is exist When teachers identity tHier Role and relationship In the Formation of Curriculum. therefore Curriculum is a collaborative effort oF the people who has the diret impact in the development of every Learners,
teacher has better Opportunities
in identifying the real time needs and wants of every Learners. With these Firsthand Source information they can directly address the solution in achieVing greater chance of development.
Curriculum is develop For the betterment of everyone. MORE so a well interactive curriculuM OR a more defined Curriculum will be an edge for better developmentof every child.

We Can only make significant things IF we can see our own significance.
teachers know how°

That's FOR sure what curriculum can stands FOR.

Its OWN Significance . - -

Unknown said...

Hilda Taba's philosophy used inductive method while Tyler's used deductive methods. Both philosophies were good. to choose from it... I would choose to combine on some cases because students have different intellectual capacities and learning styles that favor or hinder knowledge accumulation. As a result, teachers are interested in ways to effectively cause students to understand better and learn. Teachers want to bring about better understanding of the material he/she wants to communicate. It is the responsibility of the educational institutions and teachers to seek more effective ways of teaching in order to meet individual's and society's expectations from education.

Unknown said...

Hilda Taba and Ralph Tyler Model have good intention in the educational system in the world. What the most important is how to deliver or how to manage the educational system to become more effective and more efficient to the needs of the society. We learn through different strategies and techniques by our facilitator. It depends on the educational environment how will react and adjust to that particular learning experiences and stressful situations. Educational Model/System is a scientific inquiry where we check if the subject or learning experiences are suited to the societal needs and in the future terms.

Unknown said...

The Taba curriculum model has seven steps, while Tyler curriculum model have four steps. The first step in Taba curriculum model is stating of the needs, while the first step in Tyler curriculum model is stating of the objectives. Tyler's model is deductive while Taba is inductive. Tyler's approach is the administrators approach, while Taba is the teachers approach. In essences Tyler believes that administration should design the curriculum and the teachers try to implement it. Taba believes that the teachers are aware of the students needs hence they should be the one to develop the curriculum. Another name for Taba is the "Grass roots Approach.

With these i choose the Hilda Taba curriculum model because as a beginner teacher. We or I should have the step by step process, These will help me as a future educator. For me the teacher should participate in making the curriculum because they are the one who knows the students, they know the level of students capabilities in learning. . Taba's curriculum approach is truly in the heart of students and teachers, because the process is easy to understand. We must admit that student in public school who are in the lower section needs special attention they are the so called " Low order thinking skills" students which the approach of Taba is appropriate. As a future educator we have to manage or be balance in our students. If the student is weak help them to improve their self, and if knowledgeable encourage her or him to use it wisely. Help the students discover their hidden talents.

Teaching is a process of learning with dedication and love at work.

Unknown said...

Curriculum is the backbone of every school. The difference between John Tyler and Hilda Taba approach , tyler believe that the curriculum must develop by the administration then implement it to the student, teacher will teach the student on what to do then the student will practice the new concept. The problem of this approach is between the teacher and student relationship, the student will just follow the concept that the teacher instruct , while taba approach is a " grass root approach she believe that the curriculum must develop base on step by step plan and with specific goal and objectives. This approach teacher must be involved in the development of the curriculum for the teacher to suggest and set a goal based on what they observe and experience with the student, this kind of approach make student to become observant to the lesson because of their involvement to the class, the student will notice the new learning instead of teaching it to them , they can give their explanation on how they understand the lesson. The approach is very concrete for learning the procedure is organized and involve teacher and student to the evaluation procedure, this approach help student distinguish the qualification of the learner.
This thing will help teacher to be dedicated and professional to their work.

Anonymous said...

Ma. Yvonne B. Adriano

Based on experience, I would choose to apply the combination of these two approaches. At times, it is good to follow what is standard but there are also times that we have to get out of the box and try something new. After seeing the graduates of my generation ( I'm now 34 years old and graduated last 2002) and the present graduates, it seems like students before were more hardworking and dedicated. The modern day students greatly depend on the internet as their source of information and learning. On the other hand, my generation are not that creative compared to students nowadays. So with these reasons, I am planning to adopt these two approaches depending on the need of the students and the culture developed within the school and the classroom. Just need to be flexible to be able to do so :-)

Unknown said...

Ralph tylers model: It focus bringing information straight forward. Design is the organized layout of information and the model is influenced by scientific management.
Tyler describes learning as taking place through the action of the student. "It is what he does that he learns, not what the teacher does" Tyler model focus is solely on teaching and the objectives serves as a basis for devising elements with evaluation of those elements, and reflecting on the degree of achievement of the objectives (Veness, 2010).
On the other hand, that of Hilda Taba's model, advocates for a major input from teachers. It lends itself to the idea that thinking can be taught and activities should be built for this.Taba approach’s goal is to facilitate students in thinking more efficiently. Based on Taba’s methods, “to think” means “helping them [students] to formulate data into conceptual patterns, to verbalize relationships between discrete segments of data, to make inferences from data, to make generalizations on the basis of data and to test these generalizations, and to become sensitive to such corollary relationships as cause and effect and similarities and differences.”Taba’s strategies for encouraging students to think focus on the teacher as the mediator rather than the teacher as the lecturer.
For me, I like them both because they are essential in the Teaching and Learning Development. The two models are the same that they both focus on education. Evaluation is included in all steps.

Unknown said...

I choose TYLER’S Model same as my lists of point of views.
-Values all children as individuals
-Is based on a clear understanding of modern, broadly accepted concepts
/understandings about how children learn.
-Promotes teaching practices that reflect these concepts of learning.
-Reflects that decisions and choices made during the curriculum development process
are made in the interests of learners

Unknown said...

Tyler’s Model is much better for me. Tyler pointed out four questions to use as the basic curriculum design:

1. What is the object of education?
2. What teaching experience that we have to provide in order to achieve educational
3. How to effectively organize the educational experience?
4. How can we know whether these objects have achieved? (How to evaluate? )

ozonemedgroup said...

Hi! TERE here

I choose both, because that will always be on a case to case basis that might be effective for some but not always, the curriculum design must be basic, complex and adjustable.

Unknown said...

I prefer to combined the two models - The Taba and Tyler's Model.
Why? Because I believe that the Educator can use and apply these two to their teaching professions according to their abilities and knowledge. Both models can give support to have a good curriculum for the students. These models could be used according to its approach and purpose.

Unknown said...

Curriculum is the planned interaction of pupils with instructional content , materials, processes, and resources for evaluating the attainment of educational obkectives.
Tyler’s model is a larners’ centered model while Taba’s Model is a teacher centered model.
So I’d rather use both models – Tyler’s Model and Taba’s model because a curriculum should be done between the teacher and the learner. You cannot achieve the objectives of your curriculum if only the teacher or the learner will work out. . In order to achieve the objectives, the cooperation of the learners is needed and vice versa

Lily of the Valley said...

Cristina B. YbaƱez

As an educator I will set the basis for both models which is more effective in teaching my students. Tyler and Taba's teaching strategies can be used in different level of students understanding and what will works best for them to comprehend the lesson that I will teach. Although I prefer the style of Hilda Taba, yet Tyler's model might be appropriate to achieve favorable results for my students. It is good that they set certain pattern of curriculum to follow but it doesn't mean that as a teacher I will rigidly stick to it since my purpose is use teaching strategies that will be implemented effectively.

Naychronicles said...

Curriculum model is a canvass of a teacher.
Without it, the Teacher can't envision himself and be called a SOMEBODY.

Focus on the learner & society's need:
My basis in choosing Tyler's Model.

A painter is known for its painting.
A teacher is known for its Curriculum Model.